


  • I have 17 years of professional experience in non-governmental organizations and 12 years as a Professional Coach Practitioner.
  • Certified Coach by Coach Adadémie Paris, 2010
  • Certified C.O.F. (Cultural Orientations Framework) Coach ROSINSKI & COMPANY Paris, 2014
  • Member of EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council)
  • Friend of Sapphire Leadership Group and teacher in Sapphire Leadership Training Center 

About me

 Over 20 years ago, I decided that my past would not determine my future and I embarked on a continuous journey of letting go of the things that consumed me. The details of how I came to this place in life are written in my book, Terror to Grace which is available for purchase here.
I am French, born in France and passionate about reconciliation. Reconciliation with God, reconciliation with myself and therefore with others.
As an iconoclast, I do not align myself with any human religious current. My roots are deep in the Word of God and my heart is faithful to Jesus Christ, my King. I extract principles from the Bible that enable me to make measurable, verifiable, and lasting changes for myself and others.
I am authentic, respectful, zany, passionate, heroic, creative, and insatiably curious. I have a free and energetic spirit. I love the freedom to be who I am and I love celebrating the magnificence of our King.
For more than 25 years I have served as a consultant and coach, accompanying people from various cultures around the world, through diverse change points in their lives, in the challenges they face, their projects and goals, and environmental changes, etc. I help them to engage in open and positive dynamics to transform constraints into opportunities and liberate potential and innovation.


About Coaching

I accompany any person desiring to concretize a personal project within the framework of a change of life, in the search of an improvement. Coaching is done within a professional context that includes respect for your individuality and my values which are:
Motivation: by offering you the opportunity of another perspective or angle.
Usefulness: by putting my skills, knowledge and experience at your service.
Creativity: by selecting for you the tools most adapted to your path towards the targeted objective.
My practice integrates a variety of tools from spiritual, psychological and systemic approaches. I combine rigor and gentleness in an approach that respects the delicate balance of human systems.
My coaching is part of a project of growth of the person and the development of his potential. I consider the globality of the human being, spirit, soul, and body.
My coaching in 5 verbs
1 – Getting out of your comfort zone
2 – Experiment with new ways of understanding situations
3 – Evaluate the result obtained in relation to the expected result
4 – Validate a strategy, a way of being, a know-how
5 – Updating behaviors, abilities, beliefs and needs regularly in order to put them to good use
My key word: Respect
There is a balance to be found between self-assertion and consent to the constraints inherent in any environment. It is a saving discipline that liberates self-esteem.

New Dates TBD

Out of Shame Into Dignity II

Shame is a useful emotion but when it is uncontrollable, it can be dangerous.

  • What landed as an applicable concept for you while reading the book “Terror to Grace”?
  • False responsibility and toxic guilt are two elements that often go hand in hand with chronic shame.
  • Shedding shame and overcoming fear of failure
  • Beliefs that can cloud your spirit
  • God wants to builds his fortress of justice in your spirit to cancel out the generational sins and iniquities and render them powerless.
  • Forgiveness will reconcile you with yourself.
  • Our emotions have the same color as our spirit
  • I am responsible for ensuring that my perceptions, paradigms, and beliefs are accurate.
  • Inner security is a reality in which we are called to live.
  • The feeling of inner calm, deep stability and certainty that nothing threatens my spirit soul and body coherence

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Embrace Your Destiny Danièle Schmidlin

Embrace Your Destiny: An Independent Study

The meaning we give to a situation depends on how we look at it. We are more often hurt by our personal interpretation of offenses than by the events themselves.
This course is designed to be highly personalized.
It consists of a series of eight individual coaching calls that can be spaced out over a period of time that matches the pace of your progress.
We’ll set course goals, then build on what you already know with personalized strategies tailored to niche issues.
There is no promise that we will find all the answers you need, and we certainly won’t explore everything there is to know, especially because I don’t know everything there is to know!

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